I am learning that non-doing is often the most viable solution.
The other day I received some news, which could potentially cause a setback in the real estate project I have been working on for the past two years.
The issue was not of my making so I was very tempted to lash out at those responsible.
This would have caused a lot of anger and frustration to all involved.
Most importantly, it would not have solved the issue.
Instead, I waited. I didn’t react.
For some reasons, even though the news was a setback, I felt peaceful and calm.
In my mind I started looking for solutions.
I couldn’t believe how calm and peaceful as well as active and creative I felt.
I came up with two solutions, one of which was confirmed to be viable.
I am learning to let life unfold in front of me.
I have learned a lesson about the importance of non-doing.