I recently felt angry. As you can imagine, it was not pleasant.

The anger happened just briefly but I felt it in my body for nearly 2-3 days.

As usual, I tried to fight the anger but this just made things worse.

So I decided to be mindful about it and see what I can learn from it.

One thing I learned is that the feeling of anger makes me consistently look for external stimuli, without really being able to know what I am looking for.

Also, I was not able to enjoy any of the distractions I was craving and felt quite bored most of the time.

I also noticed that my post-event anger came in waves. Sometimes I felt OK and then I went back to feeling angry again.

On the third day of feeling like this, I decided to take a step back and spend some time by myself.

This first happened while in the toilet, when I manifested that I wanted to release the feeling of anger, without necessarily fighting it.

For some reasons, this made me feel much better.

Then I decided to close my bedroom door and watch a movie by myself.

The following day, I felt much better and pretty much back to normal.

I suspect that a part of feeling better and releasing the feeling of anger was due to not having to keep appearances in front of other people, like my family.

This also made my body feel more relaxed and channeled it in the direction of recovery.

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